Delegative management: the miracle solution?

There are 3.82 million companies in France*, each of which has chosen one of 4 types of management: directive, persuasive, participative and delegative. Management is the beating heart of every company. Planning, organising, directing and controlling resources to achieve your...

Boost your team with participative management : A practical guide

SUMMARY 1. Definition and principles 2. 5 advantages of participative management 3. 5 disadvantages of participative management 4. 10 tips to apply participative management 5. To remember Definition and principles Participative management is a style of leadership in which...

Persuasive management: advantages, disadvantages and best practice

Management is the lifeblood of any business. Effectively managing your resources by planning, organising, directing and controlling is what separates a successful business from one that is struggling to make headway. In a constantly changing environment, effective management is...

Directive management: is it tyrannical?

There are different types of management within companies and within teams. From the most directive to the most participative, each has its advantages and disadvantages. You can also find out more about our expertise in management consulting. SUMMARY 1. Definition and principles...

The different styles of management: How do you choose?

Management is a crucial function in any organisation. It involves planning, organising, directing and controlling resources to achieve objectives. Effective management makes it possible to optimise resources, motivate employees, adapt to change, improve communication, develop...

Onboarding freelancers: best practice for successful integration

Onboarding freelance consultants is a crucial process for ensuring a smooth and efficient integration into a company. Unlike permanent employees, freelance consultants may have temporary assignments, requiring a specific approach to maximise their productivity and contribution....