Move to cloud project management: Yannick's testimony



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One of the added values that a community of freelance consultants can bring to its members is the fact of sharing between colleagues. Facilitating relationships, in a friendly but professional way, is a facet that freelance consultants appreciate the most.



As the interview with Yannick, interim manager and independent project manager, member of the FocusTribes community, shows 👇





I was an IT manager for about 20 years. I have been working in IT for almost 30 years and I am currently a consultant. I carry out interim management and project management assignments.


I worked at Idemia on a mission to transfer an AX ERP platform and all its satellite applications from an English site to a French site. This involved upgrading to newer hardware and upgrading all the existing applications to new versions, ensuring that they were compatible and ran on these new server versions. My role was to coordinate the project between the business and infrastructure teams, and to determine the planning and implementation day for the move to production on the new platforms.


About a year ago, I had an interview with members of the team and I know they did a very thorough search of my career and the people I had worked with to get feedback on my work experience. I thought it was a very serious process and I liked that. It turned out that 3 or 4 months later, FocusTribes contacted me for an assignment.


What I like about FocusTribes, if I can compare it to other firms, is the "Tribe" effect, almost family-like. There is a kind of relationship that is quite easy, friendly, while remaining very professional and that is very pleasant. You feel that you are supported too.  Aurélie regularly checked up on me, to see how things were going in the mission, and that's very pleasant. At the end of the mission, I even wanted to draw up a sort of report on my client's 'lessons learned'. I contacted Mathias to get his feedback and I found that FocusTribes provided very interesting support.


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