Leadership and Governance: what role for the Program Director


Program Director Lab

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Leading transformation programs is far from an easy task. It requires expertise, strategic vision and the ability to mobilize teams. So what are the key success factors for this high-impact role? A group of decision-makers involved in major transformation programs met at the instigation of FocusTribes, a company specializing in transformation support, to discuss this topic and compare their points of view, nourished by the fruits of their experience.


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One of the key factors in taking on the role of Program Director is positioning within the company. Many Program Directors report to a member of Comex, the company's executive committee, in charge of IT or business, depending on the progress of the project. Indeed, the support and backing required can vary between the launch and roll-out phases of a transformation program. Whatever the situation, it is essential that the Program Director is attached to the highest level of the company, to ensure legitimacy. However, it is also important that this legitimacy is real, with a fully mobilized sponsor ready to make crucial decisions.


FocusTribes, as a company specializing in transformation support, understands the importance of this strategic positioning. It regularly organizes training and experience-sharing sessions, such as the Program Director Lab. During these sessions, participants have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the Program Director's role and exchange best practices.


The Program Director plays a key role in the success of transformation programs. He/she is responsible for coordinating and overseeing all program-related activities, ensuring that strategic objectives are achieved within the set deadlines. This involves working closely with all stakeholders, including Comex members, project managers, operational teams and external consultants. The Program Director is responsible for planning, organization, risk and resource management, as well as monitoring and reporting on progress.


In the launch phase of a transformation program, the Program Director's role is to define the program's strategic vision and objectives, draw up a detailed plan and mobilize the necessary resources. He must also ensure that stakeholders understand and adhere to the program's vision.

During the deployment phase, the Program Director oversees the implementation of the various program initiatives, ensuring coordination between teams and making informed decisions to resolve problems and obstacles encountered. He or she also monitors performance indicators to assess results, and makes any necessary adjustments to ensure the program's success.

The Program Director's role is therefore complex and multifaceted. It requires leadership, project management, communication and problem-solving skills. It's a role that demands a strong ability to navigate complex environments and mobilize teams around a common vision.


At FocusTribes, we understand the importance of supporting Program Directors on their professional journey. That's why we organize the Program Director Lab, an initiative aimed at providing a space for learning and exchange for professionals in this role. If you'd like to find out more about the discussions and lessons learned from our second session of Season 1 of the Program Director Lab, we invite you to download the full proceedings. This detailed document will enable you to explore in depth the different facets of the Program Director role, as well as the key strategies and tactics for success in this demanding position.

At FocusTribes, we firmly believe that the success of a transformation program depends on the quality of its leadership. That's why we're committed to providing Program Directors with the knowledge and tools they need to successfully accomplish their mission. Download the report now and find out how you can position yourself as a leading Program Director within your company. Our team of experts is here to support you throughout your transformation journey.


👉 If you want to receive the full report of our second Program director Lab session from season 1, click below to download it. 


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