Global/Local: 5 good practices for transformation programmes


Program Director Lab

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Today, standardization is increasingly seen as a necessity to meet the demands of streamlined, efficient organizations. However, it is essential to qualify any "core model" approach in order to strike the right balance between the global and the local. With this in mind, a group of decision-makers involved in major transformation programs came together at the instigation of FocusTribes to debate this topic and present the key success factors drawn from their experiences.


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At the meeting, five best practices were identified for harmonizing global and local transformation programs:


It is vital to define a common, shared vision for the transformation program. This ensures that everyone involved understands the objectives and is working in the same direction.


It's essential to involve local stakeholders right from the start of the project. Their input is invaluable in understanding the cultural specificities, local regulations and specific needs of each market.


The project management methodology must be flexible and adaptable to take account of local particularities, while respecting the overall principles and objectives of the transformation program.


Clear and transparent communication is essential to keep stakeholders informed of program progress, and to ensure buy-in and support.


Exchanges between local and global teams enable us to share best practices, capitalize on experience and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.


If you'd like to find out more about these five best practices for transformation programs, we invite you to download the full minutes of our third Program Director Lab session, held on July 7. This document will give you a detailed overview of the discussions and recommendations made at this meeting.

Download the report 

If you'd like to benefit from FocusTribes' expertise and personalized support to ensure the success of your transformation project, don't hesitate to make an appointment with our team today. Together, we'll find the right solutions for your specific needs, and guide you through your transformation journey.


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