For most of our clients, the pandemic has been a lever for accelerating transformation projects, particularly digital projects. For some, there was a need for new arbitration on the priorities to be dealt with, and sometimes even the simple stopping of minor projects. But the key issue, even for international clients used to working remotely, it has been, for the vast majority, the federation and motivation of teams that have been tested by this crisis context.
Here are 4 good practices to help you to improve the delivery of your projects in the context of widespread teleworking.
Le sens de l’écoute est une des qualités majeures que nous cultivons dans notre métier. Mais dans cette crise du Covid, il a fallu surtout faire preuve de compréhension et de capacités d’adaptation. Du jour au lendemain les contraintes personnelles des équipes ont souvent perturbé le rythme des projets et nous avons eu plus de difficulté à interagir, notamment en mode Agile. S’assurer du bien-être de nos collaborateurs et leur témoigner notre soutien a été un élément clé pour la réussite de nos projets.
The manager must combine process and human managerial quality. Prepare meetings better to be more efficient, choose the right time of day, give a role to each person to get them more involved (appoint a timekeeper, a note taker, make sure that each employee takes the floor, etc.)
What the teams probably missed most during this period were the informal moments of exchange, the non-verbal, around the coffee machine for example... The creation of new rituals, the setting up of "virtual coffees" for example at the beginning of the week, just to tell each other about the weekend or to share their moods with the prohibition of talking about work, are simple things that enabled us to maintain the morale of the teams. Daily individual meetings with the teams as well as weekly group meetings, to create more links and cultivate relationships, were essential.
You will be digital... Whether you like it or not... OK, as consultants, we already had our feet in the digital world... But that's not always easy to run design workshops remotely... A few tools allow us to facilitate relations. In addition to the classic Teams and Zoom, here are a few tools that can enrich the experience of the teleworkers that we all are: Klaxoon, Slack, Trello, Monday, Basecamp, Kahoot, Jira and many others.