The blog of the best freelance consultants I FocusTribes

Digital transformation of the pharmaceutical sector: Feedback

Written by FocusTribes | May 19, 2021 8:46:00 AM

Servant Dovarganes, CIO and Director of Systems at Dermofarm (a reference in the Spanish cosmetic and pharmaceutical market), tells us about the benefits and what he liked most about working with an independent consultant from the FocusTribes community.


We leave the video of his testimony below 👇 and the transcript afterwards.





Hello, I am Servant Dovarganes, CIO and Director of Information Systems at Dermofarm. Dermofarm is a reference company in the Spanish cosmetics market. We are a distributor of pharmaceutical products and, in addition to cosmetics, we also manufacture medical devices.


FocusTribes initiated the process. José Gamarra, the Barcelona office manager, first contacted us to discuss our needs. He understood our expectations perfectly and from there a real bond of trust was established, which is the most important thing in a relationship with a partner or future partner. It was a process of absolute transparency. We had a very rich conversation where he presented us with a series of services that could help us at the very moment we needed them. An excellent relationship was established.


The absence of fine print in contracts; you know what I mean...!!! Things that are said and agreed upon in writing come true. And most importantly, the selection of professionals offered seemed very relevant to me.


With Focustribes, we found a good consultant and we did good teamwork within the IT department. But on top of that, there was a much higher added value for me: in a contract, meeting deadlines is great, but exceeding objectives is even better! And in this project, I must say, and I can say it perfectly well, that we have exceeded the expectations of the internal client that we had here at Dermofarm. It was a very good project that perfectly met and exceeded our needs...